Germany vs Spain Intro
Yesterday we got to watch Germany vs Spain. Didn’t get access to a computer until I got back to Johannesburg so sorry for the delay. The best team won, Spain totally took Germany out of the game, no idea what the posession percentage was, but Germany couldn’t have had it much. Chris Jr continues to get lots of attention, and is very popular with the ladies, much like Chris Sr.  There were some fans which missed the game because of issues with their flights, to them I say, what the hell were you thinking? Who leaves their travel to a flight that is supposed to get in a couple of hours early? So now we will have a historic World Cup final, with neither the Netherlands or Spain having won the competition. I have more friends that are Dutch, so I think I’ll be rooting for them.
We did see a person invade the pitch early on in the game, and unfortunately, the security didn’t beat the crap out of him as I had been told would happen. Oh well, I did video what happened.
Intro Video
Chris getting attention
Dumb ass Italian
See you at the final!!!!
Yep Spain had about 74% posession and controlled the game. Best game of the tournament so far. Something tells me the Dutch will have a hard time on Sunday. Dad
Poor Italian. I see the one security guard is bringing a vuvuzela with for the interrogation.