Archive for the ‘Music’ Category
Shredded Vuvuzela anyone?
As we sat game after game listening to the drone of vuvuzelas, it became apparent they might be part of sports culture globally soon enough. Oddly, there are two choices. Ear plugs (which I wore almost every game) and the new choice #2..
Live band at a local mall
We did some shopping and came across a local band, Soweto Marimba Youth League, that were quite talented. Carl purchased a cd from them and I caught this video of one of their songs.
The young dancers that also sold their music were fun as well. The cd Carl bought was Rhythm under African Skies featuring the Orlando Children’s Home Choir.
Do they ever stop playing vuvuzelas? This video answers it
You can hear vuvuzelas long before games begin each night. You hear them in cars, people walking and selling in the streets. What happens after the game completes? Does the sound die for a few hours? See this video from Park Station in Johannesburg long after Argentina won against Mexico.
Attack of the …
Dear blog readers, after the fantastic news that USA and England got though to the last 16 (and the rather sad news that Germany qualified) things took a dramatic downward turn for Chris and I.  Unfortunately we were not keeping a close enough eye on Andy as we passed the street sellers and he is now a very proud owner of a VuVuZelas. We are coming up with various plans to disable the device, such as chili powder on the mouth piece, wall filler in the tube etc.  We’re hoping the locals may yet take care of the issue, and ban Andy from playing it as he is so poor at having it make a sound. Sadly, Andy’s poor playing technique will just lead him to practicing more I think.
Africans singing on the bus….
Returning from the match in the park and ride bus, the locals gave us a rendition of a local song “Shosholoza” and had the good fortune to record it on my phone – check it out here: