Posts Tagged ‘worldcup’

PostHeaderIcon Catching up

It’s been a few days since our last post.  A lot can happen in a couple of days.  we took our first drive to Natal to see the USA vs Ghana game.  We prepared a little better for this trip and did a lot of research before the trip to find out more about travel and parking for the game, as before we found nothing on the FIFA website, but fortunately found some very useful information on blogs and the Brasilian government website.  At Natal itself, pretty much zero in the way of signage to actually assist in the process, thank goodness for GPS and Waze.

Our seats for the USA game were much like the Ivory Coast v Japan game, right up there sitting next to St. Peter in the last but one row.  We don’t have an issue with these seats as the view is fantastic, although the really loud cheering crowds tend to be much lower down closer to the pitch.  Talking of fans, arriving in Natal was like a big party with the Ghana fans.  These folks were singing and dancing big time and they never stopped, not before, not during and not after when their team had lost, true fans just having a great time.

Here are a couple of videos of the Ghana fans, and Chris’s introduction video.

PostHeaderIcon We introduce Arena Pernambuco in Recife, Brazil

While we had a hard time parking and getting to Arena Pernambuco we are happy to start doing our intro videos again. This time it is for Ivory Coast versus Japan in Recife, Brazil on June 24, 2014.

The stadium itself was nice and we got lucky to sit under the overhang as it rained off an on all night throughout the game.  here is a 270 degree picture I took of Arena Pernambuco from the inside. Our seat view gave us an angle from a corner of the entire stadium.

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PostHeaderIcon Germany vs Spain Intro

Yesterday we got to watch Germany vs Spain.  Didn’t get access to a computer until I got back to Johannesburg so sorry for the delay.  The best team won, Spain totally took Germany out of the game, no idea what the posession percentage was, but Germany couldn’t have had it much.  Chris Jr continues to get lots of attention, and is very popular with the ladies, much like Chris Sr.   There were some fans which missed the game because of issues with their flights, to them I say, what the hell were you thinking? Who leaves their travel to a flight that is supposed to get in a couple of hours early?  So now we will have a historic World Cup final, with neither the Netherlands or Spain having won the competition.  I have more friends that are Dutch, so I think I’ll be rooting for them.

We did see a person invade the pitch early on in the game, and unfortunately, the security didn’t beat the crap out of him as I had been told would happen. Oh well, I did video what happened.

Intro Video

Chris getting attention

Dumb ass Italian

See you at the final!!!!

PostHeaderIcon Shredded Vuvuzela anyone?

As we sat game after game listening to the drone of vuvuzelas, it became apparent they might be part of sports culture globally soon enough.  Oddly, there are two choices.  Ear plugs (which I wore almost every game) and the new choice #2..

PostHeaderIcon The remote intro for Spain v Germany in Durban

While I was not there in physical presence, I certainly am there still in spirit and I am happy Andy and Carl are joining me watching the game in Durban.

Sorry for the noise they make, they get excited easily.

PostHeaderIcon Do they ever stop playing vuvuzelas? This video answers it

You can hear vuvuzelas long before games begin each night.  You hear them in cars, people walking and selling in the streets.  What happens after the game completes?  Does the sound die for a few hours?  See this video from Park Station in Johannesburg long after Argentina won against Mexico.